The Demystifying Payments Blog
An educational series to help you better understand payments and e-commerce.
Advanced Topics

May 7, 2019
by David Goodale
If your business takes orders over the phone, online, by fax - or basically in any way where the customers is not physically present, then a virtual terminal will be less expensive than traditional POS equipment.
Find out how a virtual terminal can reduce costs when compared to traditional POS equipment...
What is credit card tokenization and how does it work?
July 5, 2018
by David Goodale
Credit card tokenization can lower your processing costs and improve the security of your business. Even though it's easy to setup many business owners do not understand what credit card tokenization is or how it works.
Learn how credit card tokenization can help your business...
How to Analyze Your Credit Card Processing Statement
September 15, 2011
by Cameron Wilson
Merchants often do not realize how to read their processing statement and determine the effective rate they are being charged per transaction.
Working through your processing statement to get to the bottom line is actually quite easy...